FloodRanger - Educational Flood Management Game





Discovery Software, STEMgis, Temporal GIS

FloodRanger is an educational game about managing flood defences along rivers and coasts.

It is aimed at flood defence practitioners, local authorities, insurers, universities and schools.


The objective of the game is to defend urban areas and sites of special scientific interest while maintaining levels of housing and employment for an expanding population.

The game uses a virtual terrain loosely based on the east coast of England. The user can select between two world future scenarios in combination with four climate change scenarios taken from the UK Hadley Centre for Climate Change.

The development of FloodRanger was funded by the Office and Science and Technology in the UK as part of the Foresight programme. It is a joint project between Discovery Software Ltd. and View the World Ltd.

Screenshot of FloodRanger showing several cards added in the centre of the 3D world. Each card represents a flood defence, new town or new industry. You have a budget with which you must balance the needs of flood defence, urban planning and industry.


Screenshot showing a decadal report and current scores. The report details levels housing, unemployment and flooding both in terms of river and coastal floods. Scores are given for health of the environment, public opinion, insurance premiums, water demand and area at risk of flood.

The cost of Flood Ranger is £29.99. Reductions are available for multiple purchases and purchases by schools and universities.