FloodRanger World is an educational game about managing flood defences along rivers and coasts, used to explore aspects of Flood Management in relation to different climate change and world futures scenarios.

FloodRanger World is an extension to FloodRanger and enables you to create a FloodRanger game for anywhere in the world. FloodRanger itself has been used in many different countries throughout the world by government departments, non-government organisations, universities, engineering companies, and mentioned at the G8 summit as a 'worthy idea' in the management of floods.

The game works in the same way as FloodRanger, but gives you the opportunity to introduce your own data for your own area of interest, therefore finding strategies to cope with real-life flooding.

This version will enable flood defence practitioners, local authorities, universities and schools to create more realistic scenarios to help with flood management in a practical way. The game allows ideas to be tested out in virtual worlds before millions of pounds are spent in the real world.

FloodRanger World allows you to modify/define:

  • World Future socio-economic scenarios;
  • Climate change scenarios;
  • Game parameters including cost of buildings, defences, taxes, interest rates,weighting for game scores etc;
  • Add your own defence types;
  • Land use, elevation models, urban areas, indicative flood plains etc.

A detailed user guide is provided in the FloodRanger World Manual.

Rise to the challenge of climate change!
Affordable tool to explore future sustainable scenarios
Create coherent management plans

The development of FloodRanger World was funded by the European Union Project as part of the ESPACEprogramme. It is a joint project between Discovery Software Ltd., the Environment Agency and Halcrow Group Ltd (although sole liability for sale of the FloodRanger World software resides with Discovery Software). FloodRanger has been funded by the Flood and Coastal Defence Project, Foresight Programme of the Office of Science and Technology (DTI).

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© Discovery Software 2007-9. All rights reserved.