Step 4 - Change Security Level Passwords

Click on the Setup Virtual Publication tab to change the security level passwords (and other setup items described in later steps).

In order to use the data security level facility in STEMgis Publisher you must have previously setup a data security level definition in the STEMgis Manager for the database you wish to publish. If you have not setup a data security level definition in the STEMgis Manager and do not wish to use this facility then move onto Step 4, or if you do wish to use the security feature then return to the STEMgis Manager and set security levels for the database to be published. You will need to delete the dbn sub-directory in order to create new support files when you re-open the database (see Step 1 - Opening a STEMgis Database).

Data level security enables you to set different levels of access (public, level 1, level 2) to the data.

Changing passwords

To change a password, click on the Change button next to the appropriate password textbox.

You will not see the actual password you type, but an asterisk will appear for each letter typed. You will be required to enter the password a second time for confirmation. Make a note of the passwords you use.

Note: It is recommended that you use different passwords to those you may be using in your editable STEMgis database for internal use.

Go to Step 5 - Publication Setup.


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