Delete Menu

The Delete Menu provides the facilities to remove data, keys, features, and feature types from a STEMgis database. The Delete Menu contains the following options:

Delete Features

To delete features and/or attributes associated with a feature click on the Features option in the Delete Menu. Type in the UCODE of the feature and associated attribute data you wish to delete. You may type in a string with wildcard characters to make multiple selections (an example is shown in the figure below).

Click on the Search button to retrieve a list of features. If you wish to remove some features from the list, select the features and then click on the Remove from list button.

The option buttons at the bottom of the form determine if all attribute data associated with the selected features will be deleted with the features (default), or if only the attributes will be deleted. If you wish to delete the attributes but not the features they are associated with click on the Delete attribute data from the feature(s) option button.

Delete Feature Types

To delete feature types click on the FeatureTypes option in the Delete Menu. Select as many feature types from the displayed list as required and click on the Add to list button.

You may remove feature types from the selected feature types list by clicking on the Remove from list button.

The option buttons in the middle of the form determine exactly what data will be deleted. The default is that all the spatial definitions and attributes values will be deleted from the selected feature type. If you wish to delete only the attribute data associated with the selected feature types then click on the Delete attribute data from the feature types option button. If you wish to delete the selected feature types and all their associated data then click on the Delete feature types and all their data option button.

If the Delete attribute data from the feature types option is chosen then a single attribute can be selected for deletion from the selected feature types. To perform this restricted deletion select the Limit by attributes checkbox, and select the attribute to be deleted from the dropdown list.

To delete your finalized selection click on the Delete listed features from database.

Delete Keys

To delete key types click on the Keys option in the Delete Menu. Select as many feature types/attribute combinations as required and click on the Add to list button.

You may remove feature types from the selected list by clicking on the Remove from list button.

To delete your selection click on the Delete listed keys from database button.


Browser Based Help. Published by chm2web software.